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10 Reasons Why

Looking for a quick overview of why Greater Peoria is the region for you? Here are 10 reasons why.

Fast Facts


Most Affordable Metro for Home Buyers


Mid-sized Healthcare Hub


Best Affordable Places to Live in the United States


Top State For Business


Cities with the Lowest Cost of Living


Best Place to live in the United States


Most Diverse City

Keys hanging from the front door of a house.

Quality and affordable real estate options for your business and family

Real Estate

Greater Peoria offers you affordable real estate options that are well below the national average prices for properties of the same quality, size, and amenities. For instance, a 100,000-square-foot warehouse space in Dallas, Texas will cost you $7.2 Million, when in Peoria, Illinois, it will only cost you $4.1 Million. You save 43%! And we have the amenities and incentives, plus a dynamic workforce, to ensure your growth. You grow with us while saving on overhead costs. When it comes to residential real estate, our region packs a huge punch! Peoria County has one of the most affordable housing markets in the United States. According to the US Census, the median value of owner-occupied houses is around $130,000. Additionally, the same data shows that Median Household Income in Peoria County is nearly $56,000 per year. That means that if you only spend household income on buying a house, you could accomplish that in less than two-and-a-half years. By contrast, it would take you nearly six years in the Seattle area to do the same thing and almost eight years in San Jose. In addition to this, the quality of life in our region means that your money and savings go further for you.

A woman drives a car

Spend less time in traffic and more time with the things that matter in Greater Peoria

Less Traffic, More Living

In Greater Peoria, you’ll spend way less time in your car inching through congested, concrete jungles, meaning more time to enjoy the things you love most. This, however, doesn’t mean our region is not urban enough, in fact, we have a true urban downtown which is the home of OSF Healthcare’s headquarters. Our region is strategically developed to make the commute less stressful. Gone are the days of a two-hour commute to your workplace located just 15 miles from your home – you can commute in less than 20 minutes in our region. According to the US Census, the average commute time in Peoria County is 18.5 minutes a day, about two-thirds of the national average of 27 minutes. That means the average American worker spends three more entire days each year just commuting – 74 hours just stuck in traffic! In other parts of the country, it is even worse. Chicago area drivers, for example, waste 5.4 entire days commuting to and from work. Imagine what you can do with the extra time you save on each commute. All those missed school events will be a thing of the past.

Watermelons at a farmers market in Peoria, IL

Greater Peoria gives you the opportunity for your money to go further with our low cost of living

Low Cost of Living

Ranked 11th for Best Affordable Places to live in the United States, the Greater Peoria region gives you a high quality of life that doesn’t come at a high premium. Coupled with affordable real estate and short commute times, our region is perfect for new and growing businesses, new families, and millennials looking to build roots away from the hectic living of big cities. Our major cities offer the same amenities as big cities such as Chicago and Dallas but at a much lower rate. The Greater Peoria Cost of Living Index is 74.6, which is lower than the national average of 100 and beats Chicago and Dallas at 106.9 and 103.9 respectively. This simply means it takes a salary of $43,015 ($54,870 before tax) to live comfortably* in the Peoria MSA vs a Salary of $50,878 ($66,893 before tax) in the Chicago MSA, or $50,9117 ($62,400 before tax) in the Dallas MSA.

*comfortably is defined as double the living wage which can be found here: https://livingwage.mit.edu/. After-tax income was calculated using this tool: https://smartasset.com/taxes/illinois-tax-calculator


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We are here to help. Whether you need economic data to move your business, need business assistance, or resources to help you make a relocation decision, the Greater Peoria EDC is here for you. Contact us today.