

December 18, 2023

Request for Proposals: Greater Peoria EDC Targeted Industry Analysis


The Greater Peoria Economic Development Council (GPEDC), supported by a grant from the Economic Development Administration, is inviting proposals from qualified firms for a project focusing on target industry analysis and peer comparison. This initiative aims to enhance GPEDC’s business attraction strategies, catering to the specific needs and potential of the Greater Peoria region.

Project Overview: The core objective is to conduct an in-depth analysis of key industries and compare these findings with peer regions. This will enable GPEDC and its stakeholders to understand the regional economic landscape better, identify growth opportunities, and refine their business attraction and development approach.

Request for Proposals (RFP): Detailed information about the project scope, expectations, and submission requirements can be found in the attached RFP document.

Submission Deadline: Proposals must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. Central Time on Friday, January 12. This deadline is crucial for evaluating and selecting the most suitable firm to undertake this important project.

The GPEDC encourages all interested and capable firms to review the RFP and consider contributing their expertise to this significant endeavor to foster economic growth and development in the Greater Peoria region.

Greater Peoria EDC Targeted Industry Analysis RFP (December 2023)