

July 08, 2022

GPEDC Weekend Update- July 8, 2022

Some GPEDC updates to end your week:

May Unemployment Report: I mentioned before I left for vacation that there was a delay in the May unemployment report. It ended up being released about 10 minutes after I pressed the send button on my Weekend Update. But they say good things come to people who wait and the May report had generally good (though modest) news. The Greater Peoria labor force jumped by about 1,600 from April, now totalling 178,669 people in the labor force (working or actively looking for work). The number of “employed persons” also increased, but only by about 400 between the two months. That caused a mild 1% increase in the local unemployment rate. But one could infer that given the current glut of jobs available, that more people actively looking for work will result in more employed people in June. But my crystal ball has been broken for a while now when it comes to monthly variations in the employment report. A look at the jobs numbers next week.

Select USA: Lenora attended her first, in-person Select USA in the Washington, DC area.  It was reportedly the largest Investment Summit to date with over 3,600 attendees from 70+ international markets and 51 states and territories.  She participated as a “Team Illinois” member and connected directly with more than 57 people including international business prospects and FDI resource partners.  This number doesn’t include all the contacts made by Team Illinois. Altogether it was a successful event.  Intersect Illinois organized a booth for the summit.  Bloomington/Normal, Champaign County, Rockford, Will County and DCEO partners also participated.  The Illinois booth featured Illinois-made giveaways like Oreos, Tootsie Rolls, Beer Nuts, and jawbreakers.  It also featured a playlist of Illinois musicians that you can listen to here.  We’ve already received a 2nd inquiry from a business prospect that was there as well.  

Group picture of Team Illinois at the Select USA Conference

Group picture of Team Illinois at the Select USA Conference

GPEAK: Illinois Central College and the Regional Workforce Alliance is hosting a GPEAK Employer Event on Monday, July 11, 8:30 – 10:00 am at ICC’s East Peoria campu). GPEAK is an online certification system that we have developed to enhance essential employability skills in our region. Peoria Area Chamber President Joshua Gunn will moderate a panel discussion. Four GPEAK sites will share how they are using the free and open resources to develop essential skills. Local employers will learn how to partner with GPEAK and hire badge earners. Free registration here. For more information on GPEAK, please visit icc.edu/GPEAK

Mark Your Calendars: Just a few important dates for events happening later this year that might be interested in (details forthcoming on all of these):

  • September 21: gBeta Pitch Night
  • October 5-6: Career Spark
  • October 14: Site Selection Consultant Panel Discussion
  • October 20: The Big Table

Have a great weekend.
