Some GPEDC updates to end your week:
GP2030 Welcome Wagon: We did it! A really great collaboration of regional organizations hosted a seminar for real estate agents, human resources personnel and other Greater Peoria ambassadors to show off the messaging and resources of the GP2030 Talent Attraction initiative. Over 150 people gathered in the Scottish Rite Theater to learn more about how they can help spread the word about how great it is to live in our region. We will be hosting another session for those who couldn’t make this one on March 18 at 9:30 am at the Par-A-Dice Hotel. All of the resources we have developed are available in one spot.
Job Board: One of the tools unveiled at the Welcome Wagon Seminar was the Greater Peoria Job Board. This online resource collates the career/hiring pages of our best employers in one place. Job seekers can search by position, location or company. For potential newcomers, the board is a one-stop shop for finding a job in a new community – maybe for a partner or family member joining someone moving here for a job. But the board is also good for people who already live here and are looking for work. If you are an investor in Greater Peoria EDC, you don’t have to do anything. As long as you have your open positions listed on your website, the job board will automatically add them every day. (Please note that we are still working to refine the software and how it “learns” how to read your sites. This should be worked out in a few weeks.) We will be doing some specific marketing of this career resource soon, but the system is live now. Check it out.
USDA Rural Business Development Grant: Kathie helped the City of Delavan apply for a federal USDA grant. This program is designed to provide technical assistance and training for small rural businesses, defined as having fewer than 50 new workers and less than $1 million in gross revenue. If awarded, the City of Delavan will utilize the funds to create revolving loan funds for startups and working capital for small businesses. A successful application will help Delavan and the region with continued efforts towards building a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem – engaging multiple organizations throughout our region.
IL 60 x 25 Network Conference: Next week the IL 60 x 2025 Network will be hosting its annual conference virtually, entitled “Equity First: Building Toward a Better Future and Revitalizing Learning.” Designed for representatives from school districts, employers, leaders from community-based organizations, and state agency staff, this conference will serve stakeholders by sharing best practices for developing and equipping our regional workforce with postsecondary credentials and lowering barriers to increase rates of attainment for all students. Kari (our Director of Workforce Solutions) and the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce’s Joshua Gunn have been asked to present “Engaging Employers to Support Student Career Exploration.” You can catch their presentation at 1 pm on March 1. ICC’s Workforce Equity Project Director, Dawn Koeltzow, will be sharing about Regional Partnerships and Investments in Essential Skill Development on March 2 at 1 pm. See the full lineup and to register to participate here.
Have a great weekend!