

Riverway Industrial Park

Property Brochure

Explore the full specs and details of this property.

Fast Facts

67, 58, 34 and 8

city owned parcels still available.
Canadian National Railroad service on-site
Less than one mile from the Illinois River


diameter pipe and an 800 psi capacity gas service provided by Ameren Illinois.
Fiber Optic Service provided by I3 Broadband
Electric service provided by Ameren Illinois with a 69 kV sub-transmission line adjacent to the site and a 138 kV transmission line within 2.5 miles of the site

Low angle shot of power lines

This property is primed to serve your utility needs

Everything Your Business Needs

Electric: Ameren Illinois has a 69 kV sub-transmission line adjacent to the site and a 138 kV transmission line within 2.5 miles of the site. There are various 13.2 kV, 3-phase distribution lines adjacent and in the immediate area of the site.

Gas: Ameren Illinois serves gas to the site with a 16′ diameter pipe and an 800 psi capacity.

Water: Water service is provided by IL American Water. The water rate in Pekin is 0.2730/100 gallons. There is a 12″ portable Water Main on Hanna drive with a 60psi static pressure. The system averages around 800-1000 gallons per minute with a maximum capacity of 8.8 million gallons per day.

Internet: Fiber Service is provided by I3 Broadband with 100% Fiber Optic network with scalable bandwidth solutions. I3 is interconnected with all of the largest telecommunications companies in the country as well as having a connection to the Cermak data center in Chicago (one of the world’s largest).

Wastewater Capacity: Wastewater capacity is provided by the City of Pekin and is currently rated at 4.5 MGD average flow and 8.74 MGD maximum flow. The existing service is designed to treat up to 7,506 pounds per day (ppd) of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and up to 9,383 ppd of total suspended solids (TSS). These ratings reflect raw sewage concentrations of 200 parts-per-million (ppm) BOD5 and 250 ppm TSS at a design average flow of 4.5 MGD.

map of peoria

Easy access to highway, airports, and rail services

Transportation Assets

The property is 4.3 miles from the Pekin Municipal Airport and 13 miles from the Peoria International Airport. It is also five miles from the nearest Interstate: I-474 and less than one mile from the nearest Highway: Route 29.
Rail Access: Canadian National goes through the Park. Burlington Southern touches the southwest corner and crosses the river. Both are Class 1 Rail Lines.

A person at a desk fills out paperwork

Save more for your business with the numerous incentives and tax breaks available in Greater Peoria

Feel the Benefits

This site entitles you to Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and Enterprise Zone benefits in addition to incentives provided by the State of Illinois. Pekin’s TIF district can help reduce/eliminate costs associated with property acquisition; architectural & engineering, legal, environmental, financial, planning, and other services; site preparation costs; and other eligible costs. Development projects in an Enterprise Zone do not have to pay sales taxes on building materials and are eligible for reduced or waived building permit fees and expedited permitting processes. The site is also within Foreign Trade Zone #114 which can reduce, delay or eliminate import duties on products that become part of a manufacturing process.

Banner Marsh in Peoria, IL

Property Coverage and Modification requirements.

Coverage and Requirements

Variance Process: The property at 310 Hanna Drive is zoned I-1, Light Industrial District and the maximum height for a structure in the I-1 District is currently 45 feet. In order to construct a building in excess of 45 feet in height, a variance would be submitted and considered by the Zoning Board of Appeals and a final approval sought from the City Council.

Setback requirements: No building or structure shall be erected within the following setbacks:
Front Setback: not less than 50’ from R.O.W.
Rear Setback: not less than 25’ from rear property line, or 50’ from R.O.W.
Side Setback: not less than 25’ from side property line, or 50’ from R.O.W.

Lot Coverage:
The maximum pavement coverage to total lot area shall not exceed 30%.
The maximum building/pavement coverage to total lot area shall not exceed 70%.
A minimum of 30% of the total lot area shall be open and treated with landscaping, as per Section VI – P of these Covenants.


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We are here to help. Whether you need economic data to move your business, need business assistance, or resources to help you make a relocation decision, the Greater Peoria EDC is here for you. Contact us today.